getting through puppy training with ease

  • How To Handle Aggression In Dogs

    29 December 2016

    If you have a dog that is aggressive, there is a good chance that it is causing you grief or anxiety in your life. The reason for this is that you are constantly worried about whether or not your dog is going to attack or be aggressive towards one of the main people that approach your house. People who read meters, people who deliver packages, and your child's friends are all moving around the house and it is important that you make sure that they stay safe from your dog.

  • Why You May Want To Hire A Security Team With Sniffer Dogs For Your Event

    5 December 2016

    Since canines have many more receptors in their noses than humans, they are able to pick up on more scents, even when they are just barely there. To fully understand why this would be a benefit to you at an event you are holding, you will want to keep reading. You Can Keep Drugs Out No matter what type of event you are holding, if you do not want drugs to be used, distributed, or simply in someone's pocket while they are on your property, you will want to do everything you can to deter people from bringing any illegal substances with them.

  • Bathing And Styling Tips For Your Long-Haired Puppy

    20 September 2016

    Bathe your long-haired puppy and style their fur with the following steps. With patience, the proper tools, and positive reinforcement, your pet will look great and will remain content.  Materials portable pet bath buckets of warm water mild shampoo towels small dog treats chair pet comb detangling tool scissors pet brush ribbons barrettes bandanna  pet scarf Soak And Wash Your Puppy's Fur Fill a portable pet bath with a few inches of warm water.

  • Questions And Answers About Emotional Support Animals

    27 May 2016

    Most people view seeing-eye dogs as service animals. However, some service animals help support people who have a mental or emotional disability rather than a physical one. Here are a few questions and answers about emotional support animals to help you better understand their role and certification: What does an emotional support animal do? The animal participates in the prescribed treatment plan that has been designed by a patient's psychiatrist, psychologist or another mental health provider.